Meaningless Drivel Monday: Garage Sale Loot

Garage sale season is in full swing around here.  October has got to be the busiest month of the year with all the festivals, school events, and yard sales.  It is SO much fun to go garage saling, or gs-ing as my sisters and I say, when the weather is cooler, too!  

My parents have started gs-ing on Fridays and last Friday I tagged along.  Here is what I came home with. . .

From left to right:
I made off like a bandit!  I still had cash in my pocket, and that NEVER happens!  What a fun day of junkin' for me and my parents, who also brought home lots of good loot.

What am I gonna do with all this junk?  Repurpose, recycle, resell, regift, retain!
It's the thrill of the hunt!

What treasures have you gotten lately from garage sales?


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