Teacher Tuesday: Evidence of New Life

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This week's journal challenge from Folk Magazine asks writers to reflect upon the evidence of new life we saw on last week's nature walk, and to describe new beginnings evident in our lives.

Spring is a wonderful season of new beginnings.  Everywhere you look you see flowers bursting off their stems, birds happily singing as they find their mates and build nests, trees budding and breaking out with new leaves.  

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With spring comes new hope and courage for new beginnings.  Gardeners buy and set out plants in hopes of bountiful flowers and vegetables. Housewives start spring cleaning (well, some do, anyway!).  Men wash and detail cars and boats and get their lawn mowers ready.  Schoolchildren get spring fever, anxious for summer vacation.  

My own life has been full of new beginnings.  Last May I retired from my teaching career, planned and carried out my daughter's wedding, started our "empty nest" with my husband, and then after Christmas I opened an antique booth and began "junkin,'" looking for vintage and antique items to sell in my booth.  So a new way of life has begun for me, staying home, working on crafts, and going on short trips to shop and replenish my booth.

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New beginnings aren't just for the spring season, though.  And new beginnings are not exclusive to newlyweds or retirees.  Everyone who wakes up each morning with breath in his or her body is given an opportunity for a new beginning.  

How will you take advantage of yours?


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